mPDF Manual – What Else Can I Do


(mPDF ≥ 4.0)

A variety of barcodes can be produced with mPDF. Please see the example file for more information.

Specifications in mPDF

All values in millimeters, unless specified as a factor of X-dim e.g. 10X. X = width of narrowest bar (also known as module width) Pr ratio is ratio of narrow bar to wide bar

Barcode type $code X-dim H-dim Light margin / Quiet zone D:A:F:T1 Pr ratio
Left Right Top/bottom
EAN-13 EAN13, ISBN, ISSN 0.33 25.93 11X 7X 0    
UPC-A UPCA 0.33 25.91 9X 9X 0    
UPC-E UPCE 0.33 25.93 9X 7X 0    
EAN-8 EAN8 0.33 21.64 7X 7X 0    
Intelligent Mail barcode IMB 0.508 3.68 3.175 3.175 0.711 2:2:3:1


Royal Mail 4-state Customer barcode RM4SCC 0.508 5.0 2 2 2 5:5:8:2


Royal Mail 4-state Customer barcode (Dutch) KIX 0.508 5.0 2 2 2 5:5:8:2


POSTNET POSTNET 0.508 3.175 3.175 3.175 1.016 5:2  
PLANET PLANET 0.508 3.175 3.175 3.175 1.016 5:2  
Code 128 C128A, C128B, C128C 0.381 10 10X 10X 0   -
UCC/EAN-128 (GS1-128) EAN128A, EAN128B, EAN128C 0.381 10 10X 10X 0   -
Code 39 (Code 3 of 9) C39, C39+, C39E, C39E+ 0.381 10 10X 10X 0  


Standard 2 of 5 S25, S25+ 0.381 10 10X 10X 0  


Interleaved 2 of 5 I25, I25+, I25B, I25B+ 0.381 10 10X 10X 0  


Code 93 C93 0.381 10 10X 10X 0   -
MSI (Modified Plessey) MSI, MSI+ 0.381 10 12X 12X 0   -
CODABAR CODABAR 0.381 10 10X 10X 0  


Code 11 CODE11 0.381 10 10X 10X 0  


All values in millimeters, unless specified as a factor of X-dim e.g. 10X. X = width of narrowest bar (also known as module width) Pr ratio is ratio of narrow bar to wide bar


  1. Ratio of bar heights: Descender, Ascender, Full, Tracker (or Full:Half bar) 

  2. Bars per inch (determines bar/gap ratio, gap width) = 22  2 3

  3. Code specification: 1:2 - 1:3 (> 2.2 if X < 0.5mm)  2 3

  4. Code specification: 1:3 - 1:4.5 

  5. Code specification: 2.24 - 3.5