Corrupt PDF file
If you get a message saying “Corrupt PDF file: does not start with %PDF”, it may be because your script - either
mPDF or an error in your PHP code - has output an error message. The browser is expecting a file in PDF format,
which should start with %PDF
and instead it gets some text like an error message.
To show error message(s):
$mpdf = new \Mpdf\Mpdf();
$mpdf->debug = true;
Also, you should always use try/catch block for a \Mpdf\MpdfException
to find out more:
try {
$mpdf = new \Mpdf\Mpdf();
$mpdf->WriteHTML('Hello World');
// Other code
} catch (\Mpdf\MpdfException $e) { // Note: safer fully qualified exception name used for catch
// Process the exception, log, print etc.
echo $e->getMessage();