mPDF Manual – mPDF functions


(mPDF ≥ 2.0)

DefHeaderByName – Define a page header with a given name


void DefHeaderByName ( [ string $name [, array $header ]])

Define a page header with a given name. Named headers can be referenced and set later in the document e.g. SetHeaderByName()



User-defined name for the header. If $name= '' (blank) the name _default is used.


This parameter specifies the content of the page header as an array.

Default: array()

Values in the array

  • L: subarray for left
  • C: subarray for center
  • R: subarray for right

    Subarray with following entries:

    • content: TEXT STRING
    • font-size: FLOAT font size in pts
    • font-style: 'B' | 'I' | 'BI' |BLANK STRING
    • font-family: Any available font-family
    • color: CSS #RRGGBB string
  • line: 0 | 1 - specify whether to draw a line under the Header
$header = array (
    'L' => array (
        'content' => '',
        'font-size' => 10,
        'font-style' => 'B',
        'font-family' => 'serif',
    'C' => array (
        'content' => '',
        'font-size' => 10,
        'font-style' => 'B',
        'font-family' => 'serif',
    'R' => array (
        'content' => 'My document',
        'font-size' => 10,
        'font-style' => 'B',
        'font-family' => 'serif',
    'line' => 1,


Version Description
2.0 The function was added.


For examples and further information please see:

See Also