mPDF Manual – HTML control tags


(mPDF ≥ 3.0)

indexinsert  — Generate an Index for the document


Upto mPDF < v6.0:

<indexinsert [ $font ] [ $font-size ] [ $line-spacing ] [ $cols ] [ $gap ] [ $offset ] [ $links ] [ $usedivletters ] [ $div-font ] [ $div-font-size ] />

From mPDF v 6.0 onwards, the attributes have changed. See Indexes for more information. The following is for mPDF ≥ v6.0:

<indexinsert [ $links ] [ $usedivletters ] [ $collation ] [ $collation-group ] />

Inserts an Index for the document based on index entries made using <indexentry> or CreateIndex().



(mPDF < 6.0) Set the font-family for the Index.

BLANK or omitted uses default font-family for the document.


(mPDF < 6.0) Sets the font size for the Index in points (pt)

BLANK or omitted or '0' uses the default font-size for the document.


(mPDF < 6.0) Sets the line-height used for index entries. Usual values between '1.0' and '1.4'.

BLANK or omitted or 0 uses the default value of the document.

Default: '1.2'


(mPDF < 6.0) Set the number of (vertical) columns to use for the Index

BLANK or omitted or '0' or '1' uses the whole page is used as one column.

Default: '1'


(mPDF < 6.0) Sets the gap between columns (if set) in millimeters.

BLANK or omitted uses the default value.

Default: '5' (mm)


(mPDF < 6.0) Sets the text indent (in mm) for subsequent lines, if an index entry flows onto two or more lines.

BLANK or omitted uses a default value of 3 mm.

$links = 1|on|0|off

Specify whether to generate hyperlinks to the pages in the Index.

BLANK or omitted uses a default value of 'OFF'.

Default: 'OFF'

Values (case-insensitive)

'ON' or '1': show hyperlinks in the Index

'OFF' or '0': do not show hyperlinks in the Index

$usedivletters 1|on|0|off|-1

Specify whether to insert a CAPITAL letter to divide each group of entries starting with the same letter in the Index.

BLANK or omitted uses a default value of 'ON'.

Default: 'ON'

Values (case-insensitive)

'ON' or '1' or Omitted: show dividing letters in the Index.

'OFF' or '0' or '-1': do not show dividing letters in the Index.


Set the font-family for the dividing letters in the Index.

NB Will always appear in BOLD style.

BLANK or omitted uses default font-family for the document.


Sets the font size for the dividing letters  in the Index in points (pt)

BLANK or omitted or 0 uses the default font-size for the document.


Set a Locale to determine the overall sort order of index entries e.g. 'en_GB.utf8'. Available options are determined by the locales available in your system configuration. Always use a utf-8 locale.

BLANK or omitted uses current locale set in your system.


If you have set your index to use Dividing letters, this value will determine how letters are grouped under a dividing letter. Values should be selected from the files in directory /data/collations/ e.g. 'English_United_Kingdom'

NB This will not affect the overall order of entries, which is determined by the value above.

BLANK or omitted - grouping occurs under the first letter of the index entries.


Version Description
3.0 Tag was added.

Parameters removed: $font, $font-size, $line-spacing, $cols, $gap, $offset, $links, $usedivletters$div-font and $div-font-size

Parameters added: $collation and $collation-group



Text of document...

<indexentry content="Buffalo" />Your text which refers to a buffalo, which
you would like to see in the Index of document

<pagebreak />


<indexinsert usedivletters="on" links="on" collation="en_US.utf8"


See Also