mPDF Manual – mPDF functions


(mPDF ≥ 1.0)

SetHeader – Sets a page header


void SetHeader ([ mixed $header [, string $side [, boolean $write ]]])

Set a page header.



This parameter specifies the content of the page header. It can accept a string or array.

Default: array()

'' (BLANK string) or null or array()
This will clear the page header.
A simple text string is set as content for the RIGHT margin. If DOUBLE-SIDED document, this is mirrored on EVEN pages i.e. LEFT margin.

If a text string containing 2 characters |, it will be split into three strings and set as content for, respectively, the left | centre | right parts of the header

e.g. $header = 'Chapter 1|{PAGENO}|Book Title'.

If DOUBLE-SIDED document, this is mirrored on EVEN pages i.e. right|centre|left.

An array can be in two forms:
  • (Deprecated) The first form includes information for both ODD and EVEN headers, and is the expected form if $side = BLANK.


    • 'odd': subarray for ODD
    • 'even': subarray for EVEN

      Subarray with following entries:

      • 'L': subarray for left
      • 'C': subarray for center
      • 'R': subarray for right

        Subarray with following entries:

        • 'content': TEXT STRING
        • 'font-size': FLOAT font size in pts
        • 'font-style': B | I | BI | BLANK STRING
        • 'font-family': Any available font-family
        • 'color': CSS #RRGGBB string
      • 'line': 0 | 1 - specify whether to draw a line above the Header


    $header = array (
        'odd' => array (
            'L' => array (
                'content' => '',
                'font-size' => 10,
                'font-style' => 'B',
                'font-family' => 'serif',
            'C' => array (
                'content' => '',
                'font-size' => 10,
                'font-style' => 'B',
                'font-family' => 'serif',
            'R' => array (
                'content' => 'My document',
                'font-size' => 10,
                'font-style' => 'B',
                'font-family' => 'serif',
            'line' => 1,
        'even' => array ()
  • The second form includes information for either ODD or EVEN headers, and must be accompanied by a valid value for $side'O' | 'E'


    $header = array (
        'L' => array (
            'content' => '',
            'font-size' => 10,
            'font-style' => 'B',
            'font-family' => 'serif',
        'C' => array (
            'content' => '',
            'font-size' => 10,
            'font-style' => 'B',
            'font-family' => 'serif',
        'R' => array (
            'content' => 'My document',
            'font-size' => 10,
            'font-style' => 'B',
            'font-family' => 'serif',
        'line' => 1

Specify whether to set the header for ODD or EVEN pages in a DOUBLE-SIDED document.

Default: BLANK

Values (case-sensitive)

  • O - set the header for ODD pages
  • E - set the header for EVEN pages
  • BLANK - sets both ODD or EVEN page headers

If true, it forces the Header to be written immediately to the current page. Use if the header is being set after the new page has been added.

Default: false


Version Description
2.0 The $side and $write parameters were added.


For examples and further information please see:

See Also