mPDF Manual – mPDF functions


(mPDF ≥ 1.0)

SetFooter – Sets a page footer


void SetFooter ([ mixed $footer [, string $side ]])

Set a page footer.



This parameter specifies the content of the page footer. It can accept a string or array.

Default: array()

'' (BLANK string) or null or array()
This will clear the page footer.
A simple text string is set as content for the RIGHT margin. If DOUBLE-SIDED document, this is mirrored on EVEN pages i.e. LEFT margin.

A text string containing 2 characters | - will be split into three strings and set as content for, respectively, the left | centre | right parts of the footer

e.g. $footer = 'Chapter 1|{PAGENO}|Book Title'.

If DOUBLE-SIDED document, this is mirrored on EVEN pages i.e. right|centre|left.

An array can be in two forms:
  • (Deprecated) The first form includes information for both ODD and EVEN footers, and is the expected form if $side = BLANK.


    • 'odd': subarray for ODD
    • 'even': subarray for EVEN

      Subarray with following entries:

      • 'L': subarray for left
      • 'C': subarray for center
      • 'R': subarray for right

        Subarray with following entries:

        • 'content': TEXT STRING
        • 'font-size': FLOAT font size in pts
        • 'font-style': B | I | BI | BLANK STRING
        • 'font-family': Any available font-family
        • 'color': CSS #RRGGBB string
      • 'line': 0 | 1 - specify whether to draw a line above the Footer


    $footer = array (
        'odd' => array (
            'L' => array (
                'content' => '',
                'font-size' => 10,
                'font-style' => 'B',
                'font-family' => 'serif',
            'C' => array (
                'content' => '',
                'font-size' => 10,
                'font-style' => 'B',
                'font-family' => 'serif',
            'R' => array (
                'content' => 'My document',
                'font-size' => 10,
                'font-style' => 'B',
                'font-family' => 'serif',
            'line' => 1,
        'even' => array ()
  • The second form includes information for either ODD or EVEN footers, and must be accompanied by a valid value for $side'O' | 'E'


    $footer = array (
        'L' => array (
            'content' => '',
            'font-size' => 10,
            'font-style' => 'B',
            'font-family' => 'serif',
        'C' => array (
            'content' => '',
            'font-size' => 10,
            'font-style' => 'B',
            'font-family' => 'serif',
        'R' => array (
            'content' => 'My document',
            'font-size' => 10,
            'font-style' => 'B',
            'font-family' => 'serif',
        'line' => 1

Specify whether to set the footer for ODD or EVEN pages in a DOUBLE-SIDED document.

Default: BLANK

Values (case-sensitive)

  • O - set the footer for ODD pages
  • E - set the footer for EVEN pages
  • BLANK - sets both ODD or EVEN page footers


Version Description
2.0 The $side parameter was added.


For examples and further information please see:

See AlsoPermalink