mPDF Manual – mPDF functions


(mPDF ≥ 6.0)

InsertIndex — Generate an Index for the document


void InsertIndex ( [ int $usedivletters [, boolean $uselinking [, string $indexCollationLocale [, string $indexCollationGroup ]]]])

Inserts an Index for the document based on index entries made using <indexentry> or IndexEntry().



Defines whether to divide index entries starting with the same letter, using a (large) letter as a heading.

Default: 1


  • 1 : show dividing letters in the Index
  • 0 : do not show dividing letters in the Index

BLANK or omitted uses a default value of 1


Specify whether to add hyperlinks (internal links) to the entries in the document Index.

Default: false


  • true or 1: add links to Index
  • BLANK or omitted, 0 or false: do not add links to the Index

Set a Locale to determine the overall sort order of index entries e.g. en_GB.utf8. Available options are determined by the locales available in your system configuration. Always use a utf-8 locale.

BLANK or omitted uses current locale set in your system.


If you have set your index to use Dividing letters, this value will determine how letters are grouped under a dividing letter. Values should be selected from the files in directory /data/collations/ e.g. English_United_Kingdom.

NB This will not affect the overall order of entries, which is determined by the value above.

BLANK or omitted - grouping occurs under the first letter of the index entries.


Version Description
6.0 Function was added

See Also