mPDF Manual – HTML control tags


(mPDF ≥ 1.0)

pagebreak — Add a new page


<pagebreak$orientation ] [ $type ] [ $resetpagenum ] [ $pagenumstyle ] [ $suppress ]

[ $margin-left ] [ $margin-right ] [ $margin-top ] [ $margin-bottom ] [ $margin-header ] [ $margin-footer ]

[ $odd-header-name ] [ $odd-header-value ] [ $even-header-name ] [ $even-header-value ] [ $odd-footer-name ] [ $odd-footer-value ] [ $even-footer-name ] [ $even-footer-value ] [ $page-selector ] [ $sheet-size ] [ $page-break-type ] />

Add a new page to the document. All properties set by a pagebreak will continue on subsequent pages until reset.

The attribute $type can specify certain conditions which determine how many pages are added. If writing a DOUBLE-SIDED document, a conditional page-break ($type = "E" or "O") will add a new page only if required to make the current page match the type (i.e. ODD or EVEN); a page-break with $type = "NEXT-ODD" or "NEXT-EVEN" will add one or two pages as required to make the current page match the type (i.e. ODD or EVEN).

Number of pages added:

$type SINGLE-SIDED Currently ODD page Currently EVEN page
BLANK 1 1 1

'O' or 'ODD'

0 0 1

'E' or 'EVEN'

0 1 0


1 2 1


1 1 2


$orientation = L|P|landscape|portrait

This attribute specifies the orientation of the new page.

BLANK or omitted leaves the current orientation unchanged

Values (case-insensitive)

  • 'L' or 'landscape': Landscape
  • 'P' or 'portrait': Portrait
$type = E|O|even|odd|next-odd|next-even

If $type is specified when writing a DOUBLE-SIDED document, the page-break is conditional; a new page will only be added if necessary to meet the specified condition. 

If not writing a DOUBLE-SIDED document, a page-break $type = "E" will be ignored, whilst a page-break $type = "O' will always force a new page.

BLANK or omitted will force a new page unconditionally.

Values (case-insensitive)

  • 'O' or 'odd': Add a new page if required to make current page an ODD one.
  • 'E' or 'even': Add a new page if required to make current page an EVEN one.
  • 'NEXT-ODD': Add one or two pages as required to make the current page ODD.
  • 'NEXT-EVEN': Add one or two pages as required to make the current page EVEN.
$resetpagenum = 1 - ∞

Sets/resets the document page number to $resetpagenum starting on the new page. (The value must be a positive integer).

BLANK or omitted or 0 leaves the current page number sequence unchanged.

$pagenumstyle = 1|A|a|I|i|[+ any value supported for list-style-type]

Sets/resets the page numbering style (values as for cf. lists)

BLANK or omitted leaves the current page number style unchanged.

Values (case-sensitive)

  • '1': Decimal - 1,2,3,4…
  • 'A': Alpha uppercase - A,B,C,D…
  • 'a': Alpha lowercase - a,b,c,d…
  • 'I': Roman uppercase - I, II, III, IV…
  • 'i': Roman lowercase - i, ii, iii, iv…
$suppress = on|off|1|0

$suppress = 'on' will suppress document page numbers from the new page onwards (until $suppress = 'off' is used)

BLANK or omitted leaves the current condition unchanged.

Values (case-insensitive)

  • 1 or 'on': Suppress (hide) page numbers from the new page forwards.
  • 0 or 'off': Show page numbers from the new page forwards.

Sets the page margins from the new page forwards.

All values should be specified as LENGTH in any valid CSS form.

If you are writing a DOUBLE-SIDED document, the margin values will be used for ODD pages; left and right margins will be mirrored for EVEN pages.

BLANK or omitted leaves the current margin unchanged. NB 0 (zero) will set the margin to zero.


Selects a header or footer by name to use from the new page forwards. The header/footer must already have been defined using <pageheader>, <pagefooter>, <htmlpageheader>, or <htmlpagefooter>.

If you are writing a SINGLE-SIDED document, the values for ODD will be used for all pages, and values for EVEN will be ignored.

BLANK or omitted leaves the header/footer unchanged. NB "" will not unset the header. Use $odd-header-value to turn the header off.


Specify whether to show or hide the named header or footer from the new page forwards. The header/footer must already have been defined using <pageheader>, <pagefooter>, <htmlpageheader> or <htmlpagefooter>.

If you are writing a SINGLE-SIDED document, the values for ODD will be used for all pages, and values for EVEN will be ignored.

BLANK or omitted or 0 leaves the header/footer state unchanged.

Values (case-insensitive)

  • 1 or 'on': Start using the selected header/footer from the new page onwards.
  • -1 or 'off': Stop using the selected header from the new page onwards.

Select a named CSS @page.

BLANK or omitted or leaves the CSS page unchanged.

See Using @page for more information


$sheet-size can be specified either as:

  • a pre-defined page size,
  • or as two LENGTH values separated by a space, representing width and height e.g. '210mm 297mm'. em, ex and % are not accepted. Note that this is different from the ‘size’ property of the page-box used with the CSS @page selector.

Default: BLANK - makes no change to the current sheet-size

Values (case-insensitive)

  • 'A0'-'A10', 'B0'-'B10', 'C0'-'C10'
  • '4A0', '2A0', 'RA0'-'RA4', 'SRA0'-'SRA4'
  • 'Letter', 'Legal', 'Executive', 'Folio'
  • 'Demy', 'Royal'
  • 'A' (Type A paperback 111x178mm)
  • 'B' (Type B paperback 128x198mm)
  • <LENGTH>{2} e.g. '210mm 297mm'

All of the pre-defined values can be suffixed with "-L" to force a Landscape page orientation document e.g. "A4-L"

$page-break-type = slice|clone|clonebycss


  • 'slice'- no border and no padding are inserted at a break. The effect is as though the element were rendered with no breaks present, and then sliced by the breaks afterward
  • 'cloneall' - each page fragment is independently wrapped with the borders and padding of all open elements
  • 'clonebycss' - open elements which have the (custom) CSS property box-decoration-break: clone set to “clone” are independently wrapped with their border and padding
  • BLANK or omitted - default page break type is used - as specified by defaultPagebreakType variable


Version Description
1.3 Values NEXT-ODD and NEXT-EVEN for $type were added. Parameters $resetpagenum , $pagenumstyle and $suppress were added. 
2.0 Parameters $margin-left , $margin-right, $margin-top , $margin-bottom , $margin-header , $margin-footer , $odd-header-name , $odd-header-value , $even-header-name , $even-header-value , $odd-footer-name , $odd-footer-value , $even-footer-name , $even-footer-value were added.
3.0 $resetpagenum changed to allow positive integers above 1
4.2 Parameter $page-selector was added
4.3 Parameter $sheet-size was added
6.0 Parameter $page-break-type was added


Example #1


<p>Text of introduction...

<pagebreak type="NEXT-ODD" resetpagenum="1" pagenumstyle="i" suppress="off" />

<p>Text of main book...


Example #2 - Defining new margins and page orientation


<p>Text of introduction...

<pagebreak orientation="landscape" margin-left="60mm" margin-right="40mm" margin-top="55mm" margin-bottom="30mm" margin-header="12mm" margin-footer="12mm" />

<p>Text of main book...


Example #3 - Changing headers/footers

    <pageheader name="myHeader1" content-center="My document" header-style="font-weight: bold;" line="on" />

    <htmlpageheader name="myHeader2">

    <div style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">
        My document


    <pagebreak type="NEXT-ODD" odd-header-name="myHeader1" odd-header-value="1" even-header-name="html_myHeader2" even-header-value="1" odd-footer-value="-1" even-footer-value="-1" />

    <p>Text of introduction...
    <p>Text of main book...



See Also