mPDF Manual – mPDF functions


(mPDF ≥ 2.0)

AliasNbPageGroups – Defines the placeholder used to insert total page number of the page group or document into the document


void AliasNbPageGroups ( string $text )

Set the value for the variable string aliasNbPgGp which is used as a placeholder used to insert total page number into the document. If you have reset the page numbering with AddPage() or <pagebreak> the total number of pages in the current page group will be used (up to where the numbering is reset) rather the total number of pages in the whole document.



Defines the text for the variable $aliasNbPgGp.

Default: '{nbpg}'


Example #1

$mpdf = new \Mpdf\Mpdf();

There are [pagetotal] pages in this page group


Example #2


is the exact equivalent of:

$mpdf->aliasNbPgGp = '[pagetotal]';

See Also