mPDF Manual – Fonts & Languages

Available Fonts v5.x

The following fonts are distributed with mPDF 5.x

DejaVuSans DejaVuSansCondensed DejaVuSansMono DejaVuSerif DejaVuSerifCondensed Good general coverage of common languages
Garuda Norasi Thai (sans-serif) Thai (serif)
Indic languages
ind_bn_1_001 Bengali
ind_hi_1_001 Devanagari
ind_ml_1_001 Malayalam
ind_gu_1_001 Gujarati
ind_kn_1_001 Kannada
ind_or_1_001 Oriya
ind_pa_1_001 Punjabi (Gurmuhki)
ind_ta_1_001 Tamil
ind_te_1_001 Telugu

The following font names can be used with mPDF 5.x

Adobe Asian font-pack
GB Chinese (Simplified) Adobe Asian font-pack containing all characters in codepage GBK (extension of GB2312)
BIG5 Chinese (Traditional) Adobe Asian font-pack containing all characters in codepage BIG-5
UHC Korean Adobe Asian font-pack containing all characters in codepage UHC (cp949)
SJIS Japanese Adobe Asian font-pack containing all characters in codepage SHIFT_JIS
Generic font-family
sans sans-serif serif monospace mono sans-serif, serif and monospace are recognised generic font-families specified by CSS. These are recognised by mPDF - defined in config_fonts.php

For a list of languages covered by the fonts included with mPDF, see Fonts and Language cover