mPDF Manual – HTML control tags


mPDF Custom HTML tags by Category


<pagebreak> – Add a new page
<formfeed> – Add a new page, but keeping current HTML tags/CSS styles active


<annotation> – Add an Annotation to the document

Circular Text

<textcircle> – Draw a circle using specified text


<bookmark> – Add a Bookmark to the document


<columnbreak> – Start a new Column
<columns> – Control use of Columns on the page


<indexentry> – Insert an Index entry for the document
<indexinsert> – Generate an Index for the document

Table of Contents

<tocentry> – Insert an entry for the Table of Contents
<tocpagebreak> – Insert a table of contents, and could set the paging details for the continuing document like <pagebreak>

Headers & Footers

<htmlpagefooter> – Define an HTML page footer with a given name
<htmlpageheader> – Define an HTML page header with a given name
<pagefooter> – Define a page footer with a given name
<pageheader> – Define a page header with a given name
<sethtmlpagefooter> – Set an HTML page footer by a given name
<sethtmlpageheader> – Set an HTML page header by a given name
<setpagefooter> – Set a page footer by a given name
<setpageheader> – Set a page header by a given name


<barcode> – Add a Barcode to the document


<dottab> – Insert dots to following (right-aligned) text