mPDF Manual – HTML control tags


(mPDF ≥ 3.0)

watermarkimage – Set an image to use as a Watermark


<watermarkimage  $src [ $alpha ] [ $size ] [ $position ] />

Set an image to use as a Watermark. The watermark is a semi-transparent background printed on each page, used for text such as “DRAFT” or a background image. The watermark will be added to each page when the Footer is printed if the variable showWatermarkImage is set to 1 or true.



This parameter specifies the image file to use for the watermark. This can be a full URI or use a relative path


This parameter defines the transparency value (alpha) to use for the watermark. The Value should be between '0' and '1'.

Default: '0.2'


This parameter takes either a pre-defined string, an integer, or an array of width and height. Defines the size of the watermark.


  • 'D': default i.e. original size of image - may depend on img_dpi
  • 'P': Resize to fit the full page size, keeping aspect ratio
  • 'F': Resize to fit the print-area (frame) respecting current page margins, keeping aspect ratio
  • INT: Resize to full page size minus a margin set by this integer in millimeters, keeping aspect ratio
  • 2 comma-separated numbers ($width, $height) e.g '200,250': Specify a size; units in millimeters

Default: "D"


This parameter takes either a pre-defined string or an array of $x and $y. Defines the position of the watermark on the page.


  • 'P': Centred on the whole page area
  • 'F': Centred on the page print-area (frame) respecting page margins
  • 2 comma-separated numbers ($x, $y) e.g '200,250': Specify a position; units in millimeters

Default: "P"


Version Description
3.0 The tag was added.


Example #1

$mpdf = new \Mpdf\Mpdf();

$mpdf->showWatermarkText = true;

  '<watermarkimage src="images/background.png" alpha="0.4" size="200,250" />'

Hello World

See Also