mPDF Manual – Paging

Page breaks

You can force a page break anywhere in the document either by using HTML code or PHP:


You can define or change all page characteristics when you add the new page:

  • orientation
  • margins
  • numbering (on/off, style or suprress)
  • header/footer

Note the special TOCpagebreak() or <tocpagebreak> which are like AddPage()/ AddPageByArray() and <pagebreak> whilst at the same time marking the position for a Table of Contents to be later inserted. CSS @page can also be used to define page breaks.

Forcing Page Breaks

You can set the CSS value for page-break-before to always | left | right for any block element (p, div, etc). This will force a page-break, but take care that any enclosing (outer) block elements will be ‘closed down’ and their characteristics lost.

Avoiding Page Breaks

mPDF has limited scope to control when automatic page-breaks occur, and does not have ‘widows’ or ‘orphans’ protection.


You can set the CSS value for page-break-inside to avoid for any block element. mPDF will try to avoid a page-break within the block, but this only works across a maximum of 2 pages, and is not compatible with table autosize or table rotate


$mpdf->use_kwt = true;    // Default: false

If set to true, mPDF will automatically set page-break-inside: avoid; for any H1-H6 header that immediately precedes a table, thus keeping the heading together with the table.

  • automatically sets the table to fit on one page (i.e. table:page-break-inside: avoid) if it is a rotated table
  • ignored when:
    • columns on,
    • page-break-inside: avoid for surrounding element,
    • active Forms


If a table has the property page-break-inside: avoid and will not fit on the page, mPDF tries to shrink it to fit - up to a maximum “shrink-factor” set by the variable $mpdf->shrink_tables_to_fit - default is 1.4 (i.e. about 70% original size). If this still does not fit, it moves it to the next page.

A shrunk table may not be what you want. You can prevent this resizing either by setting the maximum shrink-factor for a particular table e.g. <table autosize="1"> or by setting the variable for the whole document i.e. $mpdf->shrink_tables_to_fit = 1;

(Note that mPDF will always resize tables if it is the only way to fit a row or whole table onto a full page.)

Headers and Footers

See the documentation for Headers and Footers.

Types of page break

The handling of borders and padding at page breaks was updated in mPDF 6.0. mPDF has three types of page breaks:

  1. “slice” - no border and no padding are inserted at a break. The effect is as though the element were rendered with no breaks present, and then sliced by the breaks afterward

  2. “cloneall” - each page fragment is independently wrapped with the borders and padding of all open elements.

  3. “clonebycss” - open elements which have the (custom) CSS property box-decoration-break set to clone are independently wrapped with their border and padding.

The difference between 2) and 3) is illustrated by this example:

    div { border: 1px solid black; padding: 1em; }
    .level1 { box-decoration-break: slice; }
    .level2 { box-decoration-break: clone; }
    .level3 { box-decoration-break: clone; }

<div class="level1">
    <div class="level2">
        <div class="level3">

At the forced pagebreak which occurs after the P element:

If the page break type is “cloneall” - the three DIV elements will all be closed, by drawing the border and padding for each at the end of the page; the three DIV elements will be re-opened, drawing the borders and padding, at the top of the next page.

If the page break type is “clonebycss” - starting from the innermost element (div.level3) the DIV elements will have a border and padding at the end of the page if box-decoration-break is clone. In this case level 2 and level 3 will be closed/cloned and level 1 will be sliced; the opposite will occur at the top of the next page.

Control of page breaks

Automatic page breaks (in flow of text) Always "slice"


Always "cloneall"


Always "slice"
If using columns Always "cloneall"

Page break forced by change of @page selector

Always "cloneall"


Always “cloneall” if a change in page size or margins is specified.

Otherwise page break type is determined by value of configurable variable: $this->defaultPagebreakType. Default is “cloneall”.

Default can be overridden by attribute page-break-type e.g. <pagebreak page-break-type="clonebycss" />

Page breaks forced by:
page-break-before or page-break-after

Page break type determined by value of configurable variable:
Default is “cloneall”.

Notes on page breaking

  • box-decoration-break: slice|clone was proposed for CSS3 in but it appears that it may be withdrawn. Default is slice; it is not inherited.
  • page-break-before is not supported on <table>.
  • page-break-before|after is ignored if set on block elements inside a table.
  • Background images and gradients are not sliced (always cloned).

See also