mPDF Manual – HTML control tags


(mPDF ≥ 5.4)

textcircle – Draw a circle using specified text


<textcircle  $r  $top-text  $bottom-text [ $divider ] [ $space-width ] [ $char-width ] [ $href ] />

Draw a circle using specified text. One or both of top-text and/or bottom-text must be defined. The radius and font-size are user-defined, whilst the width and height of the generated object will be calculated from these values.

Font-size should be set for <textcircle> using in-line CSS or specified in a CSS stylesheet as for any standard HTML tag. Other CSS styles supported on Circular Text are: border, margin, padding, color, background-color, font-family, font-size, font-weight, font-style, display, visibility and opacity.

From mPDF ≥ 5.6 the CSS property font-size can be set to auto. This automatically sizes text to fill a semicircle (if both top and bottom set) or a full circle (if only one set).

Circular Text is displayed as though an in-line element. Automatic kerning will be applied to the text if useKerning is true



Radius of circle. Any valid LENGTH can be entered


This parameter defines text which will be centred on the top of the circle.

$top-text cannot contain any of the characters: <, >, &, ' or " and must use the appropriate HTML entities e.g. <textcircle top-text="Brian&#039;s document" />.  It is recommended that you use htmlspecialchars('Content', ENT_QUOTES) for this.

Either top-text or bottom-text (or both) must be defined.

Default: BLANK


This parameter defines text which will be centred on the bottom of the circle.

$bottom-text cannot contain any of the characters: <, >, &, ' or " and must use the appropriate HTML entities e.g. <textcircle bottom-text="Brian&#039;s document" />.  It is recommended that you use htmlspecialchars('Content', ENT_QUOTES) for this.

Either top-text or bottom-text (or both) must be defined.

Default: BLANK


This parameter defines an optional string of characters which will be used to divide top and bottom text of the circle.

$divider cannot contain any of the characters: <, >, &, ' or ". Use HTML entities for special characters or non-ASCII characters e.g. <textcircle divider="&bull;" />

Default: BLANK


This parameter should be specified as an integer defining the (fixed) letter-spacing as a percentage of normal.

Default: '120'


This parameter should be specified as an integer defining the width of each character as a percentage of normal.

Default: '100'


Version Description
5.4 The tag was added.

Transparent background fixed. Support for divider added. Support for font: auto added.




$mpdf->WriteHTML('<textcircle r="30mm" space-width="120" char-width="150"
    top-text="&bull; Circular Text &bull;" bottom-text="Circular Text"
    style="background-color: #FFAAAA; border:1px solid red; padding: 0.3em; margin: 0.3em;
           color: #000000; font-size: 21pt; font-weight:bold; font-family: Arial" />');

See Also