mPDF Manual – mPDF functions


(mPDF ≥ 5.0)

AddPageByArray — Add a new page using an array of parameters


void AddPageByArray ([ array $arr ])

Add a new page to the document using an array of parameters which are all optional.

The parameter type can specify certain conditions which determine how many pages are added. If writing a DOUBLE-SIDED document, a conditional page-break ('type' => "E" or "O") will add a new page only if required to make the current page match the type (i.e. ODD or EVEN); a page-break with 'type' => "NEXT-ODD" or "NEXT-EVEN" will add one or two pages as required to make the current page match the type (i.e. ODD or EVEN).

Number of pages added:


Currently ODD page

Currently EVEN page
BLANK 1 1 1

'O' or 'ODD'

0 0 1

'E' or 'EVEN'

0 1 0


1 2 1


1 1 2


orientation => L|P

This attribute specifies the orientation of the new page.

BLANK or omitted leaves the current orientation unchanged

Values (case-insensitive)

'L' or 'landscape'
'P' or 'portrait'
type => E|O|even|odd|next-odd|next-even

If type is specified as 'E' or 'O' when writing a DOUBLE-SIDED document, the page-break is conditional; a new page will only be added if necessary to meet the specified condition. 

If type is specified as 'NEXT-ODD' or 'NEXT-EVEN' when writing a DOUBLE-SIDED document, either one or two pages are added as necessary to meet the specified condition.

If not writing a DOUBLE-SIDED document, a page-break 'type' => "E" or "O" will be ignored.

BLANK or omitted will force a new page unconditionally.

Values (case-insensitive)

'O' or 'ODD'
Add a new page if required to make current page an ODD one.
'E' or 'EVEN'
Add a new page if required to make current page an EVEN one.
Add one or two pages as required to make the current page ODD.
Add one or two pages as required to make the current page EVEN.
resetpagenum => 1 - ∞

Sets/resets the document page number to resetpagenum starting on the new page. (The value must be a positive integer).

BLANK or omitted or 0 leaves the current page number sequence unchanged.

pagenumstyle => 1|A|a|I|i

Sets/resets the page numbering style (values as for lists)

BLANK or omitted leaves the current page number style unchanged.

Values (case-sensitive)

Decimal - 1,2,3,4…
Alpha uppercase - A,B,C,D…
Alpha lowercase - a,b,c,d…
Roman uppercase - I, II, III, IV…
Roman lowercase - i, ii, iii, iv…
suppress => on|off|1|0

'suppress' => 'on' will suppress document page numbers from the new page onwards (until 'suppress' => 'off' is used)

BLANK or omitted leaves the current condition unchanged.

Values (case-insensitive)

1 or 'on'
Suppress (hide) page numbers from the new page forwards.
0 or 'off'
Show page numbers from the new page forwards.

Sets the page margins from the new page forwards.

All values should be specified as LENGTH in millimetres.

If you are writing a DOUBLE-SIDED document, the margin values will be used for ODD pages; left and right margins will be mirrored for EVEN pages.

BLANK or omitted leaves the current margin unchanged. NB 0 (zero) will set the margin to zero.


Selects a header or footer by name to use from the new page forwards. The header/footer must already have been defined using:

If you are writing a SINGLE-SIDED document, the values for ODD will be used for all pages, and values for EVEN will be ignored.

BLANK or omitted leaves the header/footer unchanged. NB BLANK will not unset the header. Set odd-header-value to -1 to turn the header off.


Specify whether to show or hide the named header or footer from the new page forwards. The header/footer must already have been defined using:

If you are writing a SINGLE-SIDED document, the values for ODD will be used for all pages, and values for EVEN will be ignored.

BLANK or omitted or 0 leaves the header/footer state unchanged.

Values (case-insensitive)

1 or 'on'
Start using the selected header/footer from the new page onwards.
-1 or 'off'
Start the selected header from the new page onwards.

Select a named CSS @page.

BLANK or omitted or leaves the CSS page unchanged.

See Using @page for more information


sheet-size can be specified either as:

  • a pre-defined page size,
  • or as an array of width and height in millimetres e.g. array(210, 297).

Default: BLANK - makes no change to the current sheet-size

Values (case-insensitive)

  • 'A0' - 'A10', 'B0' - 'B10', 'C0' - 'C10'
  • '4A0', '2A0', 'RA0' - 'RA4', 'SRA0' - 'SRA4'
  • 'Letter', 'Legal', 'Executive', 'Folio'
  • 'Demy', 'Royal'
  • 'A' (Type A paperback 111x178mm)
  • 'B' (Type B paperback 128x198mm)

All of the above values can be suffixed with '-L' to force a Landscape page orientation document e.g. 'A4-L'

Note: If you use the array() form for sheet-size, then you must:

  • specify the width less than the height i.e. the dimensions of the page in portrait orientation;
  • and explicitly define the orientation as 'L' or 'P'


Version Description
5.0 Function was added.
5.4 Alternative parameter names added

Alternative parameter names

type condition
margin-left mgl
margin-right mgr
margin-top mgt
margin-bottom mgb
margin-header mgh
margin-footer mgf
odd-header-name ohname
even-header-name ehname
odd-footer-name ofname
even-footer-name efname
odd-header-value ohvalue
even-header-value ehvalue
odd-footer-value ofvalue
even-footer-value efvalue
pageselector pagesel
sheet-size newformat


Example #1

$mpdf = new \Mpdf\Mpdf();

$mpdf->WriteHTML('Your Introduction');

$mpdf->WriteHTML('Your Book text');

Example #2 - Resetting page numbering with a new style

$mpdf = new \Mpdf\Mpdf();

$mpdf->useOddEven = 1;
    'resetpagenum' => '1',
    'pagenumstyle' => 'i',
    'suppress' => 'on',
$mpdf->WriteHTML('Your Book text');

Example #3 - Defining new margins and page orientation

$mpdf = new \Mpdf\Mpdf();

$mpdf->WriteHTML('Your Introduction');

    'orientation' => 'L',
    'mgl' => '50',
    'mgr' => '50',
    'mgt' => '50',
    'mgb' => '50',
    'mgh' => '10',
    'mgf' => '10',
$mpdf->WriteHTML('Your Book text');

Example #4 - Changing headers/footers

$mpdf = new \Mpdf\Mpdf();

$mpdf->useOddEven = 1;
    array (
        'L' => array (),
        'R' => array (),
        'C' => array (
            'content' => 'Chapter 2',
            'font-style' => 'B',
            'font-family' => 'serif'
        'line' => 1,
    '<div style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">Chapter 2</div>'
$mpdf->WriteHTML('Your Introduction');

// Selects new headers for ODD and EVEN pages to use from the new page onwards
// Note the html_ prefix before the named HTML header
    'condition' => 'NEXT-ODD',
    'ohname' => 'myHeader',
    'ehname' => 'html_myHeader2',
    'ohvalue' => 1,
    'ehvalue' => 1,
$mpdf->WriteHTML('Your Book text');

// Turns all headers/footers off from new page onwards
    'condition' => 'NEXT-ODD',
    'ohvalue' => -1,
    'ehvalue' => -1,
    'ofvalue' => -1,
    'efvalue' => -1,
$mpdf->WriteHTML('End section of book with no headers');

Example #5 - Blank template as example

$mpdf = new \Mpdf\Mpdf();


    'orientation' => '',
    'condition' => '',
    'resetpagenum' => '',
    'pagenumstyle' => '',
    'suppress' => '',
    'mgl' => '',
    'mgr' => '',
    'mgt' => '',
    'mgb' => '',
    'mgh' => '',
    'mgf' => '',
    'ohname' => '',
    'ehname' => '',
    'ofname' => '',
    'efname' => '',
    'ohvalue' => 0,
    'ehvalue' => 0,
    'ofvalue' => 0,
    'efvalue' => 0,
    'pagesel' => '',
    'newformat' => '',
$mpdf->WriteHTML('Chapter 1 ...');



See Also

  • <pagebreak> - Custom HTML tag - equivalent to AddPage() or AddPageByArray()